
3 cups of high white flour

500 ml of Buttermilk (available from the supermarket)

I teaspoonful of baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

4 tablespoons of honey

3 tablespoons of golden syrup

4 tablespoons of mixed peel

3/4 cup of mixed dried fruit

1 – 2 teaspoons of ginger powder

1 -2 teaspoons of cinnamon

1 -2 teaspoons of mixed spice

chopped walnuts and rich brown sugar for sprinkling


Decorations :

Yule ribbon in red & green or gold


Heat oven to 200 degrees. Place flour in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre. Sieve in the blended salt and soda and pour in the buttermilk. Mix well and add all the remaining ingredients with a wooden spoon until the dough feels springy. If it feels too sloppy just add a little more flour.

Turn it onto a board and cover with a fine dusting of flour. Break into three parts, pat each part with your hands until you have a round shape. Take a sharp knife and score lightly into eight sections. Brush with milk and sprinkle with nuts and sugar.

Place onto a greased baking tray and bake for about 20-25 minutes. Keep an eye on it. When the bread is ready it will change colour and it will sound hollow when you tap the bottom in the middle. You can also put a knife or skewer through the middle to make sure it is cooked. When it is cool, tie it with Yule ribbon.

Take time to concentrate on the bread you have created and turn the loaf three times saying “From the fields and through the stones, into fire, Yule Bread, as the Wheel turns may all be fed. Goddess Bless.”

Now take your bread and share it with your family and friends and pass on the generous blessings of this festival of Rebirth! Eat it fresh, as soon as it is made if you can.