Positive Podcasts Reviews – Vicki and Ronja

Positive Podcasts Reviews – Vicki and Ronja

The Highest Self – Sahara Rose The podcast has a spiritual focus and looks at developing your spiritual practice. Sahara Rose discusses what she is called to discuss and also interviews people about their spiritual practice. Recommended episodes Law of Attraction...
Time for Solo Self Care

Time for Solo Self Care

Spend the night by candle light Within our daily lives we are surrounded by artificial light from street lights, to LEDS, to fluorescent lights in the supermarket. A really nice self care practice is to switch off your lights and spend your night by candle light. Put...
Dopamine Dressing for Health

Dopamine Dressing for Health

How to Brighten your Style Dopamine Dressing is one of the many trends that has emerged post-pandemic. Like the name suggests, the idea is to dress in colours and styles that make you feel good, instill a sense of optimism, confidence and happiness. Who doesn’t want a...
What are Oracle Cards and How Do They Work?

What are Oracle Cards and How Do They Work?

Oracle decks are a tool of self-reflection and insight to add to your magical and spiritual practice, or just to use for fun. They can help answer questions that you have, provide guidance or support you on your life journey. There are a variety of different oracle...
Benefits of Natural Castile Soap

Benefits of Natural Castile Soap

Castile soap is a vegetable-based soap that is free from synthetic ingredients and animal fats, making it natural, nontoxic, biodegradable and healthy for your body, home and conscience! You can purchase castile soap in both solid and liquid form. We find liquid to be...