Welcome to Mind Full Light where I offer meditation classes, courses and self-care coaching for you. My journey began in a place of darkness and struggle and now I have come into the light and want to share what I have learnt with you.

Mind Full Light photoSelf-care has become an integral part of my daily rituals over the last five years. Through trial and error. Through experience and the gift of learning I have become a qualified meditation teacher and a writer of original guided meditations that I want to share with you.

I can support and guide you through whatever you need with my fortnightly meditation classes at Infinity Spiritual Centre, beginners’ meditation courses, individual self-care coaching and tailored Goddess/God circles for hens nights, evenings out, birthdays, baby showers … or if you just want to reconnect with the energy of the universe. I am here for you!

We all have to start somewhere and your somewhere could begin together with me. Don’t be afraid to reach out and connect with me.

Email: mindfulllightnz@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092330448722

Instagram: mindfulllightnz

Namaste Vicki!