Sunflower Oracle Wellness Network – Articles

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Time for Solo Self Care

Time for Solo Self Care

Spend the night by candle light Within our daily lives we are surrounded by artificial light from street lights, to LEDS, to fluorescent lights in...

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DIY Face Moisturizer

DIY Face Moisturizer

If you’re keen to see how easy it is to make your own face or body moisturizer, give this recipe a go.  Using natural oils on your skin means you...

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What do you believe in?

What do you believe in?

I believe in Fairytales the way some people believe in music. What do you believe in?  Life is beautiful, it’s a stage which we all play in the...

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Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Benefits of Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra can also be referred to as yogic sleep. This is a relaxation or meditative technique that explores the state of consciousness that we...

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Winter Solstice Recipes

Winter Solstice Recipes

It is nearly that time of year again when we celebrate the shortest day and welcome back the sun. Last Winter we featured a solstice bread (fruity,...

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Rewrite Your Story

Rewrite Your Story

Have you noticed how the chatter in your head is like an ongoing chorus?  I often find it difficult to quiet the loudness of thoughts! I use this...

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Mandala Art Fun

Mandala Art Fun

Colouring Mandalas is a nourishing way to spend time and can help you to connect with your intuition. It is a fun way to be creative and they can be...

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Candle Spiral Walk

Candle Spiral Walk

Winter is here again and while we lament the loss of light and the many rainy cold days, the earth hibernates to be born again in Spring. ...

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Healthy Eating

Healthy Eating

Organic and Plant-Based Options Lentil Mince 2 cans of lentils 1 onion, diced & fried (or 1 tsp of onion powder) 1 cube of ‘beef style’ plant...

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Edible Flowers and Weeds

Edible Flowers and Weeds

Increasingly we see a trend to use colourful flowers to brighten and make food very attractive. While not a new idea, flowers have been eaten since...

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In Flux or Flow

In Flux or Flow

Finding the balance is not about ‘intensity’ or the mindless rushing around from one thing, then rushing on to something else! Rhythm and harmony is...

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Our Ability to Flow

Our Ability to Flow

As the colours of the leaves change and the temperature gets colder, we are reminded of change. Change is constant. The secret of change is not to...

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The Grace of Nature

The Grace of Nature

Welcome to the second Summer edition of the Sunflower Oracle! Mother Nature has graced us this Summer with amazing weather and hot temperatures. The...

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The Ideal Yoga Student

The Ideal Yoga Student

Recently talking with other yoga teachers our ‘ideal yoga student’ was mentioned. It’s who we love to teach and design our classes for. So who is...

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Welcoming the Sun

Welcoming the Sun

It is Summer! Finally the days have become longer, the sun is shining more often and the temperature has increased. You may find yourself smiling...

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Air-Purification Plants

Air-Purification Plants

Reading the World Health Organization’s statistics and facts about the link between household air pollution and health is frightening. To summarise...

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Winter Foraging

Winter Foraging

Foraging in the Garden and in the Wild While winter landscapes are not as colourful, there are still plenty of restorative and beneficial plants to...

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Sacred Self Care

Sacred Self Care

Tea ceremony You can make your own tea by gathering herbs from your garden such as lavender, rosemary, lemon balm and mint. Dry these (in the hot...

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Crystals for Spring

Crystals for Spring

Spring is a magical time of the year. It’s the season for new beginnings, rebirth, regrowth, and cleansing. Crystals and gemstones have been used...

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Mother’s Embrace

Mother’s Embrace

The Mother's Embrace In this time of remembering, we find ourselves searching and seeking. We are wandering through caves of expression and...

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Let the Universe Lead

Let the Universe Lead

In recent times, the Law of Attraction was prevalent – especially in the US – and books, videos and podcasts walked you through the ways you could...

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What is Winter Solstice?

What is Winter Solstice?

Winter Solstice is a celebration of the shortest day. Solstice roughly translates to “sun stands still.” It is an important astrological occurrence...

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