Finding the balance is not about ‘intensity’ or the mindless rushing around from one thing, then rushing on to something else!

Rhythm and harmony is finding the Flow in all areas of your life – mind, body, spirit and soul. We need to examine our inner world and outer world. This sustains the ‘Equilibrium’ in Flow – there’s a balance that harmonises all aspects of juggling life. Right now, we all need this.

We are already experiencing Flux, the chaos and energetic shifts in the world. Within You is a power house, that you can choose to bring your inner soul back into flow.

Do you have a spiritual self-care practice? Looking inward provides a sanctuary to calm the nervous system and to feel at ease in one’s whole self. It can be a prayer, affirmations, meditations, or simply sitting quietly for a few moments as you earth yourself in the ‘now’. Losing yourself in the silence … nature is hypnotic and invites the calming of the spirit to be still. Miracles are in the being here, and how much we have to be thankful for.

Cultivating daily self-care rituals is an ongoing practice, that will help the other irritants in flux simply fade away into the background.

Choose to find a reset day. This is anything from planning your weekly meals, to organising the home, and budgeting. Creating a system of flow on your life, makes you feel that there’s an order in the rhythm of life. It simplifies and slows down the outer busy noise!

Focus on just one thing – ask yourself “what is it I truly want to accomplish in the next hour? Or day”?

This is a powerful way to take it off your mind.

Checking in with your physical care, helps to support your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Are you getting enough sleep? Eating balanced meals? Living an active lifestyle? And have a healthy hygiene routine?

If like me, an Empath, life can become very overwhelming. It’s important that you find out what your own limitations are first? The more that you can practice self-care, this helps to awaken self-awareness. Sometimes we may need assistance and speak to someone, a professional to help us reach into areas that we’re unable to navigate on our own. I’m sure that you can relate – it’s an important investment to have a little help to break those in-flux ‘thought’ loops. Leaning into our emotional intelligence is an honouring way to acknowledge where our emotions are in flux.

Having connections around you, relationships that fosters feelings of love, acceptance and empathy
– these ingredients are essential for cultivating and sustaining our overall wellbeing, especially with the past couple of years how in flux the world has become.

Mother Earth is calling us now to press into her natural rhythms of life, and to live with the now in Flow!

– Nicola Mary Burton