Embracing birthing wisdom. Empowering birth experiences. Earth & Soul Mama.

Cushla Richardson is a certified HypnoBirthing Educator with HypnoBirthing International® – The Mongan Method. 

Due to some special circumstances in my second pregnancy, I realised I would need support and guidance to ease my mind from the worries of being induced early, and birthing in a hospital environment when I had envisioned a homebirth. 

Doing HypnoBirthing gave me confidence and the tools to surrender to this process and I delivered my beautiful daughter with ease in the hospital. 

From that moment on I realised how powerful HypnoBirthing is and believe all women deserve to know this knowledge and understand our innate birthing wisdom. 

HypnoBirthing® is a beautiful birthing philosophy that offers many tools to guide women to feel physically, mentally and spiritually prepared for childbirth, including affirmations, self-hypnosis, relaxation, breathwork and positive education.

Over the course of 5 weeks you are guided to connect with your innate birthing wisdom and are supported in envisioning a positive birth experience, leaving you feeling empowered and excited for your birthing day.  

It is based on the philosophy that birth is a beautiful event that women achieve instinctively and intuitively and that all babies deserve to enter this world in a gentle atmosphere, and in calm and joy.

Cushla Richardson 

