The Sunshine Hub is a wellbeing market stall that can be found occasionally at the Welcome Market in Tauranga, promoting wellbeing, sustainability and connection. Particularly from time to time during Summer.
I began it in June 2020, with the desire to help people connect with each other and with things that they may be interested in. I have been displaying some poster boards that I created to share about things such as Tree Planting, The Dog Share Collective – which is nationwide and awesome – and healing modalities & healers that I feel passionate about and feel drawn to share.
Sometimes I have spray-free flower seedlings and flowers on the table, and sometimes organic seeds. I love having conversations about Permaculture and can help link people who are interested in Rongoa Maori Plant Medicine with people who teach about it.
I have had my stall at many different markets around Tauranga and Mount Maunganui, and also at Waihi Beach. I have really enjoyed connecting with lots of lovely interesting people. I love helping introduce them to each other also, when it feels like puzzle pieces to link.
I have also run monthly produce swaps, mainly organic, for 4 years, where we’d gather in different gardens each time and explore and share afternoon tea. Lots of nice connections were made with each other. That’s how I discovered Permaculture – the wisdom from the ancient cultures about gardening in a way that is natural and full of abundance.
Caring for the Land and Caring for the People.
The Sunshine Hub is excited to begin holding Sunshine Gatherings also – Creativity and Connection gatherings, and Naturey walks. This is to help people connect with their creativity and inner child, to have fun, and to connect with friendly like minds.
To hear about creative gatherings or nature walks, feel free to get in touch, and if you would like help with creating themed gatherings, or collaborating for a wellbeing event, would be good to chat also 🙂
And I look forward to meeting anyone who wants to come say hello if you see me at the markets sometime.
– Carina
021 064 9814
Mandala Creativity Gathering
for Women to have fun Colouring Mandalas & creating Nature Mandalas
Sat 29th Oct, 2-4.30pm – Tauranga
The Sunshine Hub Stall
will be at the Welcome Market
Sat 5th Nov, 9-1pm – Welcome Bay