I began my healing journey by having to heal myself, after some health challenges, finding The Journey and graduating as a practitioner in 2005.

I set up my practice, Lovelight Holistic Health, then qualified as a ThetaHealing™ practitioner shortly after. Since then, I have used these modalities together to enable people suffering from a variety of frequently inexplicable issues, often associated with traumatic events experienced earlier in their childhood, present or past lives, to release these traumas and move on with their lives to become all they wished to be.

Any other issues that arise will be dealt with appropriately, and telephone or email support is available after a session.

A session usually lasts between two and five hours and includes ThetaHealing™ belief changes and a full Journey process. Sessions are always conducted in person and, as I schedule only one session per day, can extend to allow whatever challenges you have to be fully explored and cleared.

I have spent much of my working life as a teacher at all levels, am happily married (for 45 years) to my wife, with whom I have three grown children and several grandchildren.

If you have any further questions about the healing work I do or about me, please visit my website.

December 2021 update: Please note I now do Zoom healing sessions.

Alan Willoughby



07 5443087 or 0274809816