Te whakanikoniko i tō mauri rerehua me to toiora.
This is the face that greets you at Ātaahua and a little information about me and where I’m from.
Tēnā koutou katoa – Greetings to all.
Ko Tainui te waka – Tainui is the canoe.
Ko Waipa te awa – Waipa is the river.
Ko Pirongia me Karioi ōku maunga – Pirongia & Karioi are the mountains.
Ko Te Papa o Rotu te marae – Te Papa o Rotu is
the meeting house.
Ko Ngaati Maahanga te haapu – Ngaati Maahanga
is my people.
Ko Waikato te iwi – Waikato is my tribe.
Ko Victoria tōku ingoa – Victoria is my name.
Mauri ora ki a koutou katoa. Good health and
well-being to you all.

Ātaahua – Enhancing Your Natural Beauty & Wellbeing.

Welcome to Ātaahua, a Hamilton clinic focusing on providing quality treatments and traditional Māori Healing.

We provide beauty treatments from head to toe as well as cosmetic tattooing for eyebrows.

We provide holistic wellbeing, Tradtional Māori Healing and Māori Rongoā.

At Ātaahua we believe in looking after your ‘Mind, Body and Soul’ to look your best at all times. To be Ātaahua is about more than just the way a person looks. It means being beautiful in every sense of the word. That’s why Victoria encompasses all three aspects here at Ātaahua.

Victoria is passionate about taking a Holistic approach to your wellbeing and in 2007 trained with a Māori Tohungā (specialist) and graduated with a roopu (group), ‘Nga Tohungā o Hau e Wha’.

She specialises in practising:

  • traditional Māori healing (spiritual healing)
  • mirimiri/romiromi (massage)
  • Māori Rongoā (Māori medicine), how the kikokiko (physical), hinengaro (emotional) and wairua (spirit) world connects to a person’s health and wellbeing.

We strictly follow Kaupapa, tikanga and ancient Māori traditions, done professionally, guided to how ‘Io’ (God) directs me.

Our mission is to provide Holistic Māori healing for all cultures.

Put your wellbeing first and get in touch with Victoria today.

Victoria Bramley

