Castile soap is a vegetable-based soap that is free from synthetic ingredients and animal fats, making it natural, nontoxic, biodegradable and healthy for your body, home and conscience!
You can purchase castile soap in both solid and liquid form. We find liquid to be more versatile. Grab a bottle at your local health food store, or pick one up online, and put it to the test in these 5 ways:
Deodorant – mix 1/2 teaspoon of castile soap with 1 tsp sea salt and 1/2 cup of water. Pour into a small spray bottle and spray the underarm area as needed.
Foaming hand soap – add into a foaming hand soap dispenser 2 tbsp castile soap, a few drops of your preferred essential oils (try lavender and tea tree) and fill dispenser with water.
Mopping – add 1/2 cup castile soap to a tub or bucket of hot water and mop floors as usual.
Fruit and Vegetable rinse – add 1/4 teaspoon to a bowl of warm water and soak and gently rub your produce to help clean it from pesticides or other residues. Rinse with fresh water.
Shampoo – lather a couple of drops directly into your hair, and rinse as normal.
– Ronja Skandera