Creative gatherings are good for the soul, and a good way to connect with your creativity and inner child, and to connect with friendly like minds also.

They involve fun activities including things like mandala creations, plant pot decorating, and flower garland making, just to name a few. 

Connection gatherings can also sometimes include sitting in a circle and having turns sharing about things such as what we are passionate about. A good way to get to know each other better and also to focus on our dreams in a supportive and nourishing environment.

It’s really beneficial to do things that we enjoy and to be creative and connect with people who may share some of our interests, as it can really inspire us and help us flourish. We can also develop new friendships and connections.

When we do these things in nature, or include some aspects of nature, this can be really healthy and grounding, and help connect us with Mother Earth, which is a great healer. It feels so good to sit or lay on the grass in the fresh air and feel the sunshine.

In January I was holidaying in Raglan and held a Mandala Art Fun gathering at a beautiful reserve one evening. There were six of us, and we sat on some colourful sheets on the grass by the trees. Some of us brought flowers and leaves.

We created a giant colourful nature mandala together on the grass which was fun. Listened to music, ate chocolate, and enjoyed colouring mandalas and chatting with each other. It was nice to meet new faces and enjoy quality time together.

The Sunshine Hub will be holding Creativity and Connection Gatherings from October onwards. The first one will be for Women and will be a Mandala Creativity Gathering in Tauranga.

To hear about gatherings, contact Carina at