A regular series you will find on the website and in the magazines. We, and friends, sit in with pactitioners and healers and experience their modality. And we follow up with a Q&A.

First up, Mike Jewell.

On a stormy, rainy afternoon we met Mike at Bush Park for our first workout in, well, a very long time.

Personal training

Armed with a medicine ball, a resistance band and a kettle bell (this is all he uses), Mike explained to us his simple and straightforward exercise philosophy: functional movement. There are 6 ways that your body naturally moves – Push, Pull, Squat, Hip Hinge, Lunge and Core Rotation. The body reacts really well to training these movements because this is how we are designed to move.

We began our session with a quick discussion of my general health and wellbeing. There was absolutely not an ounce of judgement, only support for being here today, willing and ready to do good for my body.

The workout consisted of a series of functional movements in short sequences that meant I never felt bored. Mike noticed when I was out of breath, and pushed me just enough to keep me working hard, but easing off with some chat when he sensed I needed a break.

At the end of the workout Mike gave me the option of doing some mindful breathing exercises which I found both meditative and restorative. It was awesome to take the time to thank myself for this effort and to watch the trees sway above me and to feel truly grounded and present.

In summary, it was an awesome experience that left me feeling proud of my effort, and keen to do it again. Isn’t that the ultimate outcome of a workout?

Holistic Massage

As with the personal training session, the holistic massage began with a discussion of how my body was feeling, if I had pain in any areas, if I had experienced massage before, and what I wanted out of the massage.

Mike gave me 100% of his attention and focus, and was committed to making sure he used techniques and appropriate degrees of pressure to ensure my body received maximum benefit from his treatment. I truly felt that this was a holistic massage, where Mike considered not just my body but also my energy and my mental and emotional state.

Mike combined various techniques throughout the massage including Swedish, Thai, Lomi Lomi, Myofascial release, and assisted stretching. The orange and almond essential oils added to the overall experience.

I left feeling relaxed and alive, and able to move a whole lot more freely. Pairing a Personal Training session with a massage to follow felt especially rejuvenating and luxurious! I would totally recommend a holistic massage with Mike and can’t wait for my next session!


“Harness what you already have to get to your natural best”

What services do you offer?

I primarily offer Personal Training (also available on Zoom) and Holistic Massage Therapy.

I also do workshops for workplaces and small groups. I run two workshops – Human Connection (on community and social connection) and Be Here Now (simple tools for calm and balance) as part of the Wellbeing by Design workshop program. These workshops offer explanations and tools that you can go away and use the very next day.

I work with people of all ages/ backgrounds and my special interest is longevity and return to health.

How did you begin your work as a PT and massage therapist?

Coaching and training became an obvious pathway through my own journey of health and wellbeing. I have been a Personal Trainer and a Massage Therapist for about 12 years now, and have been on a whole food diet throughout this time, studied in New Zealand and overseas in various holistic wellness fields, and have been based in Raglan as a self- employed holistic wellness coach for the past 4 years.

Why is this work so important to you?

I am passionate about helping people to achievea state of balance within themselves, both physically and emotionally, to reach their natural best. It’s really about creating the space for someone to thrive and guiding them through their own journey.

Which spiritual or energy practices steer your work?

My work is very intuition-based, I focus on the individual and get a sense of what works for them. Connection to self, connection to nature, and connection to others is a triangle that I use as a guide to figure out what a person needs to work on to achieve balance.

If you could tell your younger self one thing what would it be?

You can’t control the outcome of things, all you can do is have a vision and trust in the process.

What are some tips for the Raglan community to stay healthy this winter?

Stay connected to people around you. The science shows that connection is the most important wellbeing factor releasing oxytocin, the love hormone, so how can you argue with that! Plus of course good whole foods and green winter vegetables!