Pippa’s energy is loving, caring and warm. She touches the lives of everyone she meets with her wisdom and knowledge.

She teaches as she learns. She shares whatever she channels and receives. Pippa is a qualified Quantum healing hypnosis practitioner, Reiki Master and intuitive channel.

Pippa Leslie, Tauranga, New ZealandShe helps you heal, explore past lives, move through trauma, subconsciously heal, find peace and connect to your divine self.

Online services:

  • Past life regression workshop shops
    Distant online healing
    Online readings

As Pippa’s passion is to help others heal and recognise their divinity, her services align with exactly that.

Reiki can be a powerful tool to open her client’s minds to possibilities and to the potential they have within.

Whereas hypnosis takes her clients on a deeper journey to explore their past and allow their subconscious to assist.

In recent years Pippa has been aligning with her connection to God and using her channeling gifts to help guide others on their journey. She has an ability to connect to her guides and yours to deliver messages whilst healing.

Pippa Leslie
027 246-8989