Faye is a natural health practitioner and a teacher of the Pranic Healing Application non-touch courses held on regular basis around the country. She is passionate about helping others and works from home in Glenview using a holistic approach which works on many levels.

Prana is a vital energy or life force that keeps the body healthy and alive, dealing with physical and psychological ailments and life issues.

The courses held encourage students to learn techniques to work on health concerns and life aspects for self and distant healings. Pranic Applications is so easy to learn and do for any ages.

What happens when you accidentally burn, cut, bruise, get stung by wasps or bees? Feel a cold coming on, have a toothache, backache, headache, migraine, coughs, colds and other symptoms? This is where pranic apps come to the fore to help in these situations with the many protocols set in place.

The courses cover working with the hands to feel energy, clearing blockages, removing stagnant energy that causes concern, using colour to enhance healings, plus using protocols for many dis-eases as well as finance, relationships, business, fuel economy, grief, farming, pets, animals, pests, tummy and hip tucks, phobias, fears, negative thoughts and emotions, planet healings and so much more.

Benefits are: To be self-confident, have inner peace, create good health, be inspired.

Please contact me for more information and future dates of Pranic Healing Application non-touch courses:

Faye Taylor

027 279 7322