Soul Alignment is the opening of channels, both within the physical body and the template of energy which surrounds the body, and ultimately our unified body which connects with all things.

It is the reinvigoration of that destiny we have chosen before birth and the remembering of the purity that we carry within our hearts. It is an awakening experience which allows for the flow of energy and information and for the release of blockages and trauma which we have carried during this and previous lifetimes.

A session of Soul Alignment may involve any of the following; spiritual guidance / counselling, past life regression, trauma acknowledgment and release, hands on energy healing, embodiment practices, massage, reflexology and meditation.

The healing session is Soul guided and is governed by your own requirements and the aspect of you, which is awaiting healing, will arise to the surface for recognition organically.

The sacred space within which you will journey is held by the Archangels & Ascended Masters and by your own ancestral lineage, and therefore the room is bathed in love and compassion for the purpose of deep transformation. It is the perfect place to step into when you find yourself at a crossroads in life; when you have the feeling that there is a door to be opened and a new chapter to begin, or perhaps you feel there is much that you are willing to witness within yourself and potentially let go of.

Recovery from grief, trauma and anxiety

You may be experiencing deep grief, residual trauma, anxiety, depression or physical discomfort, and you wish to find a sense of peace and understanding. The clarity that you seek comes alive within you, when you choose to create a moment of self-awareness and sacred alignment.

The practice of Soul Alignment is a Shamanic one, offering the opportunity for deep journeying, soul retrieval and embodied consciousness. There is an opportunity to become aware of and choose to decode old patterning and establish understandings which arise from the heart and not from the unhealed wounds.

It is supported by my own experiences over 12 years, of profound self-witnessing and awakening, of energy studies (Reiki & Seichim Master training & Kwon Yin Magnified Healing), Celtic Shamanic training, Shamanic Breathwork, Romi Romi Massage, Ancient Lomi Lomi Temple Healing Massage, Angelic Healing & Channeling, Reflexology and Shamanic Plant Journeying.

Maeve Kelly

Contact me on 0273330707 or email me at

‘Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field, I will meet you there’. – Rumi


Maeve – Energy Therapist
027 333 0707